Thursday, May 23, 2013

Inedible YoYo Designs

My new Etsy shop, Inedible YoYo Designs, features handmade, unique and adorable accessories, all of them using the timeless and simple craft of fabric yoyos. It's all about color and design that make these little treasures so special and what makes everyone, young and old, love them!
I stitch them by hand, pair them together and attach them to various backings including headbands, clips, pins, rings and more! They may seem easy to make, but I have stabbed my fingers and even dropped hot glue on my ankle once. Crafting is dangerous business!

Colorful YoYo Pin available in my shop!

Click the link to my shop in the navigation bar up top or the gallery widget to the right. Can't miss it!
And don't forget to share my shop with your Twitter and Facebook friends. Hey, maybe even tell someone in person! Gasp, what a concept! haha!

Thanks for reading the first post of my blog and also for forgiving this shameless act of self-promotion. Your humanity and love is greatly appreciated.

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